
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Midsummer Forest Creatures

We went for a stroll through the woods yesterday. We found lots of little creatures.
I am raising BMW to be quite the naturalist. He is good at spotting little insects. He is not afraid to handle them either.

Yesterday, on our walk, we saw an Assassin Bug, Daddy Long Legs, Butterflies, a baby snake, a Cicada, a Cicada shell, a Cardinal, and a Wren. The nettles were high. I have never been bothered much by stinging nettle. BMW did get his first sting from a nettle. Thankfully there was a paved path so we could steer clear of the nettles.

Daddy Long Leg⬆


I was scared to pick up the snake, even though it was a tiny baby. I was so jumpy as I tried to grasp the little fella. He was a fast little sucker. Once I did manage to pick up the little snake I realized how cute he was. He was scared. He calmed down when I closed my hand and gave him a place to hide. He looked at us with his little round eyes and flicked his tiny tongue out, tasting the air.

Psalms 105:5 
Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;