
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Herb Gathering


I had grandiose ideas of growing all types of herbs for tea this summer to enjoy all winter.

I wanted Anise, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Borage to name a few. But, I either didn't start enough plants or they never came up. :(
My Lemon Balm is growing good. I think I need to allow it to establish itself this first year before I start harvesting from it.

I left my Sage behind at our old house. I have really been missing Sage as a seasoning, especially in Breakfast Sausage.

I threw some Sage seeds in the ground this Spring, but they never came up. I think I'll start a few Sage seedlings this Summer. They should have enough time to get established enough to make it through the Winter.

Wait.............. What is this?

Look what I just found while weeding! It is a baby Sage! So, one did sprout!:) I will give it some special attention over the rest of the growing season. Hopefully it will be thriving by the time Fall is upon us.

Even though I don't have as many tea herbs as I had hoped, I have been cutting and drying as many as I can.

I have Lavender, Mint, Marigolds, and a little Borage. I really would love to have some Chamomile. I have a lot of trouble starting Chamomile. I only have done so successfully one year. I might be better off foraging Pineapple Weed, since it is Wild Chamomile, and has no trouble growing. I see it in almost every driveway. I would have to be careful and find out that no weed killer has been sprayed on it, though.

I hope these will make a good tea blend for the Winter.
Do you have any favorite herbs for tea making? I'd love to hear what they are!

Psalm 104:14
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Renpure Cleansing Conditioner Review

I have been using Renpure Cleansing Conditioner for almost 5 years. I highly, highly recommend this hair cleansing product!

My Hair Information

My hair is slightly wavy, a little on the dry side, and pretty long. I keep my hair up in a bun most of the time. It is a maintenance free and protective hair style. My hair stays cleaner longer and I am able to grow it out longer and thicker at the ends by keeping it up in a bun.

My Cleaning Routine

Since using Renpure Cleansing Conditioner I feel the need to wash my hair less, and less, frequently. 

Renpure Cleansing Conditioner doesn't leave my hair dry and slippery like regular shampoo. It makes my hair have a silky luster and leaves the natural body in my hair. 

Since my natural oils are not getting stripped every time that I wash my hair my scalp doesn't go into over drive producing a boat load of oils. I think this is the reason I can go longer in between washes.

When I was first starting to use Renpure Cleansing Conditioner I washed my hair once or twice a week. 

Gradually, I have stretched the length of time between washes to 1-3 weeks apart. I have even gone as long as 6 and 7 weeks between washes several times! (Shock and horror!)

About every 6 months I wash my hair with a real shampoo. I just use a random hotel sample shampoo for these rare washes.

Why This Post?

I just really love this product and wanted to spread the word about how great it is! If you are looking for a good shampoo and have a similar type hair to myself I recommend that you give Renpure Cleansing Conditioner a try! :) 

Song of Solomon 4:1

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Baby Is Coming Ready Or Not!

 This week I have been working on somethings for when the baby comes. 

We have a month until the baby is due. We do home births. There is a list of items that we are supposed to have ready a month in advance. I have almost everything gathered. An important thing that I am still missing is new born baby clothes! But, I have time..... :)

Home birth supplies

I made a batch of tamales this week. I froze the extras to have a couple tamale meals when the baby comes.  I used this RECIPE. I have learned a few things about using dried chili's from watching Rick Bayless' video classes on YouTube. I implemented some of his instructions for taking the seeds out and toasting the dried peppers before hydrating them.

Tamale assembly

They are really good when used like this. I have used dried chili's to make sauce for tacos now that I know how to use them in the right way. 

I was able to freeze two bags of tamales with 15 tamales in each bag.

Tamales cooked and ready to freeze

I made and froze some gluten free corn biscuits just in case my Mom brings some chocolate gravy when she comes to see the baby. *wink* *wink* (have I mentioned that my Mom reads this blog?)

Corn biscuits

I had a freezer full of chicken bones, not literally, but you understand my point. Most of the bones came from de-boning split chicken breast. While I was doing some baking this week I put the bones in the oven to roast. 

Roasted chicken bones

Roasted bones lend a lot more flavor when used to make broth than non-roasted bones.

Now I have a freezer full of chicken broth! Mmmmm. A week ago we had sore throats and I was able to pull out some frozen chicken broth that I had made previously and heat it to drink. Warm chicken broth is so soothing! I like having some on hand.

 Proverbs 10:4

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

I hope everyone has a good week! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Summer Garden Tour


I took a little walk in the yard this morning. I'll show you some pretty things that I found.
The day lilies are blooming. I cut myself a beautiful bouquet! I love having cut flowers in the house. They are so cheering.

I have a little nasturtium plant that my boys picked out for Mother's Day. It is going to town producing flowers. We have had a few as garnish on some meals. 

I have a passel of these delicate purple flowers. They came up as volunteers. I don't know what they are. If anyone of you can tell me, I'd love to know! The bees really like to visit them.

My first sunflower opened up today! It is so exciting for me. Sunflowers are one of my favorite blossoms. :)

In the vegetable garden we have plenty of squash blossoms. We will be picking our first zucchini soon!

We have a lot of sweet banana peppers getting plump.

No ripe tomatoes. 

 We have started to bird watch a little bit. We are beginners at this hobby. 
We have a nesting pair of house wrens taking up residents in our bird house. You can see the male perched on the hummingbird feeder in the picture above.
They have such a pretty song!

When I first noticed him putting twigs into our birdhouse I was super excited. Then I read that the male house Wren will fill all the nesting areas within his territory with twigs. Once he has a female he will take her on a tour of all his nests and she will pick out which one she likes best. She puts the finishing touches on the nest and then lays eggs there.
Finding this out made me a little less excited. Having a male put twigs in our nest box didn't necessarily mean that we would have a nesting pair live in our birdhouse.
But, I have seen two of the little wrens flying in and out of our birdhouse. I guess she liked our box! :)

Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say into you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Luke 12:27+28