
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Transplanting Tomatoes and Peppers


My winter sowing milk jugs worked out great for my tomatoes and peppers this year.

I need to get them in the ground, but before I do I transplanted them into individual pots.

I knew that separating the plants was going to cause considerable root damage. I decided to separate them and put them into individual containers before I put them in the ground.

I just cut the tomatoes apart with the sharp edge of my dough scraper. It was pretty ruthless. I chopped them apart and put each section in a styrofoam cup.

I added more soil to cover the stem by an inch or so. That way the plant can put out more roots.

I ended up with 33 tomato plants and 12 bell peppers. They are doing well, praise the Lord. I am looking forward to getting them in the garden. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New Sewing Projects!

 March and April Sewing Report 

I have been making these over the shoulder sling bags. I have made a couple for other people. Right now I am finishing my own sling bag for myself. I am really eager to get it done and start using it!

I have been making my own iron on interfacing for these bags because I had a bunch of heavy grade iron on adhesive. I iron the adhesive onto the interface material (flannel in this picture), then I peel the paper backing off and iron the flannel interfacing to the outer bag material. The only problem that I have run into by doing this is that my sewing machine won't stitch through the fabric with the adhesive. I have had to do most of the sewing by hand, which is kind of a pain, but it has been nice to have a portable handiwork project to take on car trips, or to the park, or just to have something to work on while I sit at the table helping my boys with homeschool.

The instructions call for finishing all the seams on the inside of the bag with a seam tape. I used bias tape because that is what I have on hand.
I really like how the interior of the bags turn out so trim and orderly due to the seam tape.

I am following a bag tutorial on a YouTube video to make these sling bags.
I looked for a long time trying to find the right pattern for what I wanted to make. I spent a lot of time on Pinterest. Finally I came across this video tutorial. The finished product was exactly what I was going for. I am grateful for this free tutorial.

This is the first bag that I made. It was a birthday present for one of my sons. I have to finish another one this month for my son who has a birthday in May.

I have this wildlife print that is perfect for the boys' sling bags. These bags would make excellent 'snack and tract' bags for door to door soul winning. 
Last summer we did go out door to door soul winning with our church on Saturday mornings. Since we moved it is going to be hard to do that with the church group this year. But when I was doing soul winning with my boys last year I got the idea to make these pouches for them. And now it is coming to fruition. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse 2024


On April 8, 2024 we witnessed the total solar eclipse. Since that time I have watched video accounts of other people's total solar eclipse experiences. 

Each time I watch one of these videos I am brought back, in my mind, to that place of awe and wonder induced by standing in the Moon's shadow. 

The awe and wonder of gazing into the black hole where the Sun should be and seeing the ethereal glowing halo of the Sun's corona. 

The awe and wonder of feeling so small in God's giant universe.

The awe and wonder that I felt standing in the eerie darkness, yet beautiful light.

And I feel loved, so loved, by God as he displays his greatness in the heavens.

And I think, "The Almighty God cares for tiny, tiny me. He pays attention to me. He takes care of me. He wants fellowship with me. He loves me!" 

And the tears roll down my cheeks. It was so beautiful! The eclipse was so beautiful. The fact the God wants to show us this stunning display and has orchestrated it for our viewing is also a thing of beauty. 

We had a wonderful eclipse day. We were at a very large park complex in West Frankfort, IL. There were nice playgrounds, mature shade trees, a fishing pond, several baseball diamonds, and some big open fields and a marshy wild life area bordered by woods.
We set up our grill, picnic table, and chairs in a secluded section in the back of the park. We put our tent up, too, just to have a place to relax for some of the children.

The weather was perfect: sunny and 76°F. We played on the playground equipment before the eclipse started. We rushed back over to our camp to witness first contact. It as so exciting. The eclipse was happening! We watched the shadows change. Mr. In the Midwest grilled our pork steaks. We lay on our picnic blanket and observed the Sun shrinking away through our solar filter glasses. 

 Slowly, slowly the Moon over took the Sun. The Sun looked like a golden cookie that someone had taken a bite out of. Then the Sun looked like a packman. Then the Sun looked like a crescent, then a banana, and then a tiny sliver. When the Sun was down to only about 5% showing the anticipation really became intense. The light was dim and bright at the same time. The air was cooler. The evening birds started to make their calls. A planet appeared.

And then everything went dark. Off came our glasses! We had 4 minutes and 7-8 glorious seconds to witness the beautiful corona and look around at the 360° sunset at the horizon. There were shouts and whistles and laughter. The diamond ring was my favorite part. My two year old didn't care for the Sun going out. He said, "Go home." He meant that he wanted to go home. I held him, pointing to the shimmering ring in the sky and said, "Isn't it pretty?" 
And just like that, it was over. The first hair of Sun slipped out and we had to put our solar filter glasses back on.

We ate our lunch and had a happy time watching the Moon edge it's way off of the Sun. It seemed to go a lot faster getting off of the Sun than it had gone covering the Sun.
I am left with overwhelming gratitude. God is so good to me!
Psalms 97:6 
The heavens declare his righteousness, 
and all the people see his glory.

You can read about my 2017 total solar eclipse experience HERE. I wrote a lengthy journal style post for that eclipse.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Spring Woods!

We went for a walk in the woods at a nature preserve yesterday. This nature preserve is special because of the expansive carpet of blue bells on the forest floor in early spring. This was my first time visiting this preserve. The blue bells were like nothing I had ever seen before. They were everywhere!

There were a few other flowers blooming, too.
Spring Beauty 

Woodland Violet
Creeping Buttercup

I, also, saw a bunch of Prairie Trillium (the ones with burgundy petals and mottled leaves), and one early White Trout Lilly. Mayapples had popped up already. It was a little early yet for Toothwart, Hepatica, Wild Geranium, Yellow Trout Lilly, and Great White Trillium.
I saw some Red Admiral butterflies, a tiny copper butterfly, and a few sulfur butterflies. We heard some very loud tree frogs. The oak trees were all bare still. The buckeye trees were leafing out. There was a flowering tree that I will have to look up. It has five petaled white flowers in clusters. It was growing in the under canopy. It had reddish brown bark and the trunks and branches were delicate in character and finely featured.

We had a wonderful day in a beautiful place with delightful weather! I hope you are having a wonderful day, too. :)

Friday, April 5, 2024


Last Saturday, my children and I started picking all the violets that we could find. There are so many this time of year. Initially I thought we should add the violets to a salad for color. We just kept picking more and more violets. Pretty soon we had far too many violets for a salad.

I told my children that violets could be made into jelly and one time in my youth a friend of mine had given me a violet jelly recipe. I had followed the recipe and made violet jelly once. The really neat thing I had remembered about making violet jelly was how the violets made a purple tea that turned pink when the lemon juice was added. In fact, I still had the recipe.

That story pretty much sealed the deal for what to do with all our violets. My children wanted to see what violet jelly was like. We just had to make some.

Well, the jelly was a big failure. I tried to make it without pectin. I cooked it too long. It cooled into a solid mass of hard candy. I re-melted the mass, added water, jarred it again. Now it is the consistency and color of honey. All the beautiful violet color cooked out. It really does taste like honey, too. 
So, I guess what we actually made is bee-less honey.
Not bad. We will enjoy it on toast. And we had fun during the process. It's a win!
Now what I want to try is making pink lemonade out of violet tea. Wouldn't that be cool!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Jonquil by Henry Beer |Poem


Look what Mr. in the Mid-west brought me
last week! :)

The Jonquil

The Jonquil is a charming flower
Which blooms in April's sun and shower;
It blooms quite early in the spring
When blossoms burst, and songbirds sing.

Few flowers share with it in fame;
It has such sweet and varied names;
In former days, as well as ours,
The folks called them Easter flowers.

But Jonquil is the polished name,
By men of higher rank and fame.
The common people call it still
The lovely, cheerful Daffodil.

Then, when recedes the winter's cold,
We see them break the frosty mold
And raise their heads to welcome spring,
While birds their springtime carols sing.

Their blossoms, trumpetlike, proclaim
The glory due that worthy Name,
Who at the time the Jonquils bloom
Arose triumphant from the tomb.

The Jonquil blossoms fill the air
With fragrance sweet, yet mild and rare;
Where'er they bloom, it is a thrill
To see the golden Daffodils.

They take their place in Nature's plan
When in the spring they bloom again.

By Henry Beer
My Garden of Verse
Page 53

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"New" Glider For Our Living Room!


A few weeks ago we drove through our old neighborhood. We were just sight seeing; looking around to see what was new. Sitting on the curb was a glider chair and foot stool. I signaled for Mr. In the Mid-west to stop. I jumped out to check the glider over. It was in perfect working condition, in fact, it was in better condition than the one we currently had in the living room. The cushions were laying in wet leaves and, what appeared to be, fuzzy white mold had started growing on the fabric. We loaded the whole lot into the back of the van. I waved a friendly, "Thank you!" wave towards the house. I suspected that we were being watched through the curtains and, sure enough, a hand slipped past the side of the curtain and waved back at me. :)

The cushions needed considerable cleaning but they did come clean in the end. I didn't have to recover or replace any of the upholstery or cushions.

I am very grateful for my "new" glider! What a blessing!

I am very grateful for all the good stuff we found on the curb at that neighborhood. I found two different vacuum cleaners, a stroller, a nice rotary cutting mat, and other things that you can read about in the blog post that I wrote a couple years ago- Finds This Week. 

1 Timothy 6:6 
 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

If You Tarry Till You're Better.......

The phrase, "If you tarry till you're better, you will never come at all," is found in the song, I Will Arise And Go To Jesus. This song is a favorite of mine from my childhood. The tune has a mournful, tantalizing quality, and the rhythm is hypnotic. This phrase, "If you tarry till you're better, you will very come at all," really hits home with me. I remember singing this as a child and thinking, "that's me. I am waiting to get better at doing what is right before I go to Jesus for redemption. I can't bring him all this mess that is me. I have to at least try. Or show him that I am making at effort. Show him that I am ready to be a Christian and live like a Christian." 

Now, the phrase hits home with me because I know people, people who I love and care about, who won't come to Jesus because they are waiting to be/do better. When I hear the last words of the verse, the thought just makes me cry, "If you tarry till you're better, you will never come at all."

Oh my friend, please don't tarry! "All the fitness he requireth, is to feel your need of him." If you know that you need a savior, run to Jesus. He will embrace you in his arms. Salvation is easy. So easy. Jesus did all the work. Rely on him and him alone. You can't wait until you are better. You will never be better. You will never be worthy. You will never be good enough to pay your way or even, at the very least, show him that you are trying. He just wants you to trust him. He paid it all. Believe that he is who he says he is. Believe that He is the Messiah. The Savior. Your Savior. Believe that his death, burial, and resurrection was/is for you. That's it. Please don't tarry.

Revelation 22:17 
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. 
And let him that heareth say, Come. 
And let him that is athirst come. 
And whosoever will, let him 
take the water of life freely.

Matthew 11:28 
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, 
and I will give you rest. 

Romans 10:9 
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, 
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, 
thou shalt be saved.

Romans 6:23 
For the wages of sin is death; 
but the gift of God is eternal life 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

1 Corinthians 15:3+4
For I delivered unto you 
first of all that which I also received, 
how that Christ died for our sins 
according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, 
and that he rose again the third day 
according to the scriptures:

Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and pow'r.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior,
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.

Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall
If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior,
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.

Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior,
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Baby Gifts, Hems, Hems, Hems, & Mending

The most fun projects of the month were certainly the baby gifts. I made this dress for my expected niece.

I finished the sloth lovies and I made some whales.
I used velvet for their bellies. I am really excited to see how the babies like the velvet. I am thinking the texture will be intriguing to them.

It has been a long time since I had made a big whale. (Blog post about big whales) It was fun to work with an old familiar pattern. I stuff these with beads in addition to polyfil. The weight of the beads make this whale more interesting.
On to the hemming projects. These were not the fun projects of the month.
We had these brand new khaki pants for our boys. The only problem was that they had cuffs. What's the problem with cuffs? We are old fuddy duddies that can't wear anything resembling modern fashion fads. So my options were to donate the pants or hem them. And since my boys needed church pants I hemmed them.
The pants were a size larger than my boys needed. Taking off a couple inches means they can wear the pants now instead of next year.

A lady from church had two skirts for me to hem. I have finished one. I plan to finish the second one this week.

I have done hand mending projects this month. 
Starting with this coat.
This pile is next in the queue.
Two dresses with rips.
And a hole in my husband's jeans.
I am looking forward to a fun project next month. Stay tuned to hear about it towards the end of March!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Winter Sowing


Last Saturday I started my winter sowing seeds.

The weather patterns in our area have been confusing. The first week in February robins showed up! I have never seen them in Illinois this early in the season. We had days in the 60°'s. We went bare foot and flew our kite.

The warmth was a treat, but being February, it is still winter, and.............

Five inches of snow! I was so surprised in the morning to find this snow. Just the prior afternoon the children were running around in the sunshine at a playground. 
I decided it was time to start my Winter Sowing seeds. I have been saving plastic milk jugs for this purpose.

I cut the milk jugs. I poked drainage holes in the bottom. Then filled them with a few inches of potting soil. I watered the soil just until it was slightly damp.

I pulled my seed box down. It is so exciting to pick out seeds and make plans for the coming garden!

I numbered each jug and wrote down on a list what type of seeds I had planted in each jug.
#1 & #2 - Roma Tomato
#3 & #4 - Rutger Tomato
#5 - Sunflower
#6 - Snapdragon
#7 - Bell Pepper
#8 - Jalapeno
#9 - Basil
#10 - Hibiscus
#11- Parsley
#12 - Cosmo
#13 - Black Eyed Susan 

Then I taped the seam closed and placed the jugs outside. The seeds will germinate when the soil temperature is warm enough to trigger that process. The jugs serve as miniature greenhouses. They warm the soil to the appropriate temperature a little ahead of the real ground temperature. That way I will have seedlings to plant in the garden with minimal effort on my part.

I started seed with this method last year (See Here) and I was very pleased with the results. I recommend it for anyone. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

I Finished Reading The Bible Aloud!


I have committed to reading the Bible aloud to my children. I don't always get finished in a year. I just want to encourage you all not to quit if you don't hit your goal. Keep going. We didn't finish reading the Bible before New Year's Day this time. That doesn't bother me. We kept going and finished in February. 

There have been times when my life has been jumbled up and it took me two years to read through the whole Bible. That's fine. I am in this for the long game. I don't understand everything in the Bible. I believe that the Bible, as God's word, has supernatural effects. I keep reading it and hoping to absorb it's contents, looking to the Holy Spirit for help. I don't believe I can explain everything to my children that I read to them from the Bible. I don't want them to have the illusion that I have all the answers. God can help them understand the Bible and figure out what to believe. I'd rather my children have the actual Bible read to them than teach them a Bible curriculum or catechism. These tools all have to be tested against the Bible. The way I see it, testing these tools against the Bible is an extra step. I prefer to start and end my spiritual instruction to my children with the Bible and the Bible alone. The Bible is the standard. I want them to come away with a love for the stability that the truth offers. The Bible is true. They can count on it for the rest of their lives to remain, unchanged, because God who gave it will remain, unchanged, forever. 

They will come to challenges in their lives. They will come to circumstances that make them question everything they thought they knew to be so. I know I did. And what kept me from going off the deep end? God's Holy word. Even when I wasn't sure that God was real or that he was who I had thought he was. Even when my certainty of eternity was ripped from me and I was left in the deepest most hopeless despair. All that I had known was true turned out to not be true. Even when I thought God hated me and I really didn't want to read what he 'supposedly' said. I was in termoil and sharp emotional pain. I wanted to feel safe again. I opened my Bible and read to myself. It didn't matter where I read. It could be anywhere in the Bible. My storms inside would calm. I felt comfort. I felt familiarity. I felt that constancy that I needed. I could count on the surety of the Bible. At the time I couldn't count on the wonderful things I read there to be written for me. I wasn't willing to believe it and risk being wrong again. The Word of God kept me from going off the deep end, though. (Eventually, I came back to God the right way. I didn't have a great quantity of faith, but I placed it all on Christ. It was a simple faith. But, that is all that is necessary. What a sweet relief poured over my soul!)

All that to say, if my children come to a place in their lives that they need something to anchor to because their whole world is upsidedown, I want the Bible to be that anchor for them. Reading it aloud to them in these formative years can build that foundation, I hope. The Words of God are powerful in supernatural ways. I can't comprehend how, but the Words of God change people. They carry with them the power of the Holy Ghost. I feel that this (reading the Bible aloud) is the most important thing that I can do for my children. 

In closing, I am leaving you some verses that popped in my mind over the course of writing this post.

Word shall not return void

(Isaiah 55:11)
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: 
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, 
and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Words shall not pass away

(Matthew 24:35) 
Heaven and earth shall pass away, 
but my words shall not pass away.

Wisdom for the asking 

(James 1:5) 
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,
 that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; 
and it shall be given him.

Unction of the Holy Ghost

(1 John 2:20) 
But ye have an unction from the Holy One, 
and ye know all things.

Need not man

(1 John 2:27) 
But the anointing which ye have received of him

 abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: 
but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, 
and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you,
 ye shall abide in him.

Peace be still

(Mark 4:39) 
And he arose, and rebuked the wind, 
and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. 
And the wind ceased,
 and there was a great calm.

Faith comes by hearing the word 

(Romans 10:17) 
So then faith cometh by hearing, 
and hearing by the word of God.

Powerful two edged sword

(Hebrews 4:12) 
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, 
and sharper than any twoedged sword, 
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, 
and of the joints and marrow, 
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My words are Spirit

(John 6:63) 
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: 
the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, 
and they are life.