
Friday, September 20, 2024

Flautas| Recipe


To make Flautas I cook up a batch of chicken quarters (usually by boiling) and then pick all the meat off the bones.

For the filling sometimes I use canned green chilies and sometimes I use fresh green chilies. Sometimes I saute the onions and sometimes I don't. So, just do whatever works for you.

To make the tortillas stay closed some people use toothpicks. I learned this trick of using a flour paste to glue the tortilla closed and I really like how it works.

Chicken Flauta Ingredients:

2-3 cups cooked, shredded chicken 

1/2 cup green chilies, diced

1/2 cup onions, diced

1 tsp. Chilli powder 

1/2 tsp. Cumin

Salt and pepper to taste 

Small flour or corn tortillas 

Mix together the chicken, chilies, onion, and spices.

Fill tortillas by adding a spoonful of filling and rolling the tortilla. Then secure the tortilla by a toothpick or flour paste.

This mixture will fill around 20+ Flautas.

Heat 1 inch of cooking oil in a skillet with high enough sides or a pan.

Fry the Flautas for 1-2 minutes per side.

Serve with garnishes like sour cream, salsa, chopped tomatoes, cilantro, or hot sauce.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Two Authors That I Adore

These two authors wrote children's books, some picture books and some chapter books. They were both artist, too, and illustrated their own works. The authors are Robert Lawson and Lois Lenski.

They both have strong themes in their books of what gives Americans their greatness: qualities like being God revering, having grit, working hard, along with values like equality, freedom, and holding truth and integrity tightly.

Lois Lenski and Robert Lawson are both Newberry Medal winners. Lois Lenski won the Newberry Medal for Strawberry Girl in 1946. Two of her other books were Newberry honor selections.

Lois Lenski wrote and illustrated the Small series of picture books: 
Cowboy Small
The Little Auto
The Little Airplane
The Little Family
The Little Farm
The Little Fire Engine
The Little Sailboat
The Little Train
Papa Small
and Policeman Small.

I really like these Little books. They have a lot of information that young children are capable of learning and understanding about fields and occupations that young children usually find interesting. She tells it in cute stories that are adorable.

She embarked on writing a series of books about the childhoods of children growing up in different regions of the USA. She started with Bayou Suzette in 1943. In 1946 she won a Newberry Medal for Strawberry Girl. It is hard to find the books in this series. 
They include: 
Bayou Suzette
Strawberry Girl
Blue Ridge Billy
Judy's Journey
Boom Town Boy
Cotton In My Sack
Texas Tomboy
Prairie School
Mama Hattie's Girl
Corn Farm Boy
San Francisco Boy
Flood Friday
House Boat Girl
Coal Camp Girl
Shoo Fly Girl
To Be A Logger
and Deer Valley Girl

Lois Lenski also wrote several historical fictions including: 
Phoebe Fairchild: Her Story (Newberry Honor), 
A-Going to the Westward
Bound Girl of Cobble Hill
Ocean-Born Mary,  
Blue Berry Corners, 
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison (Newberry Honor), 
and Puritan Adventure.

Robert Lawson, born in 1892, became an illustrator before he became an author. He illustrated such classics as The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf, which is a favorite of mine.

His first book that he wrote was published in 1939: Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos.

He wrote several historical fictions in the same vein as Ben and Me, with pets that tell the story of their significant historical figure pal. Most of these books have been hard for me to find at libraries. They include:

Ben and Me
I Discover Columbus 
Mr. Revere and I
Captain Kidd's Cat

Robert Lawson won the Caldecott Medal for his illustrations in They Were Strong and They Were Good in 1941, which he also wrote. He is the only author to win both the Caldecott Medal and the Newberry Medal. (Caldecott Medals are for illustrations and Newberry Medals are for writing.)

He won the Newberry Medal in 1945 for Rabbit Hill.

His other works include:

Just For Fun: A Collection of Stories and Verses 
Watchwords of Liberty 
Country Colic 
Mr. Wilmer
At That Time
Mr. Twigg's Mistake
Robbut: A Tale of Tails
Dick Whittington and His Cat
The Fabulous Flight
Smeller Martin 
McWhinney's Jaunt
Edward, Hoppy and Joe
The Tough Winter
The Great Wheel 

Having said all that, now I come to the catalyst for writing this blog post. I recently told my dear friend about these two authors that I adore. That following week she found these four books on the discard rack at her local library and she gave them to me!

Just look at these beautiful volumes!
Blue Berry Corners:

Coal Camp Girl:

Boomtown Boy:

Mr. Revere and I:
I am so delighted! Thank God for good friends!

And just so you can see the other Robert Lawson book that I have (my sister gave me this one):

Sources for my information on this post:

Saturday, September 7, 2024



My mother-in-law bought me a sketch kit for my birthday this week. I was so excited to use it that I started as soon as I opened the package. I made these two drawings for a double baby shower today. I made the cards from these drawings. One of the families is expecting a boy. The other one is expecting a girl. And their due dates are a week apart, I believe. They are going to be close cousins!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and get to enjoy fellowship with believers tomorrow. 

Hebrews 10:24+25
And let us consider one another 
to provoke unto love and to good works:

 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, 
as the manner of some is; 
but exhorting one another: and so much the more, 
as ye see the day approaching.