
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sewing 1/2 Circle Skirts

I recently came across a web site that does the calculations for a circle skirt.

CLICK HERE for calculator

They also have options for 1/2 circle and 1/4 circle skirts.
I did not know there was such a thing as a, "Circle Skirt," until just recently.
I have cut out three and have finished one. 
Here are some pictures that I took along the way. :)  

 These are so simple to cut out. You just anchor your measuring tape at one point and then pivot, marking at the appropriate places, until you have marked off a 1/4 circle.

 Above I have laid out all of the pieces required for one 1/2 circle skirt.

 Here is one I have almost finished. It just needs a hem and a couple of buttons.

How do you like my model? :) 

I made a pocket on the right side and a lapped zipper on the left side.

It is a little breezy today which made taking pictures a little challenging. It was nice to be outside, though. :)


  1. Looks like this skirt is really easy to make, and yours turned out nice!

  2. Your new skirt is lovely. The style makes me think of one my mother and I often sew for ourselves. The band/yoke makes for a comfortable fit.

  3. Love how your skirt turned out, very pretty! :)

  4. love your new skirt!! looks like it will move well

  5. Kelly,
    Thank you for your comment! They are quite full. I actually haven't worn one yet because I haven't made one in my size.


Thank you so much for your comments!