
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Trying To Be A Better Mother

A bouquet I cut on Mother's Day

You may have noticed that I have been absent from the Blog World. I actually went an entire week without checking my blog at all. I committed to staying off my smart phone (that is where I do all my online activity) for that week. I made an exception for things related to my Etsy shop because I spend very little time checking my Etsy dash board. A majority of the time I am on my phone I am on one of two places; Blogger or YouTube. I challenged myself to stay off of those sites for an entire week.

This challenge came about because I have a hard time getting my chores done, doing the things I really want to do, and mothering. As wicked as I know that it is, I don't like mothering very much. It is hard, it is messy, it is inconvenient, it takes a lot of time, and it means I can't do the things that I really want to spend my time doing.

I was griping one night a few weeks ago about Boy In The Mid-west making a watery messy in the kitchen, which threw a wrench into my plans of setting up dinner roll dough for company we were having the following day. It was past 9PM and I was going to have to be up past the time I wanted to anyway, before he delayed me. I was mad. Mister In The Mid-west thought he could tell me how to fix my problems, and that just made me in a worse mood. All of his "solutions" sounded like more work.

He said I should put BMW to bed by 8:30 or 9. I don't want to go lay down with him and try to get him to sleep for 1/2 an hour and then get back up in time for me to get ready to go to bed myself. I don't stay up late very many days in a week or it puts a lot of strain on my system. Besides, we aren't always home by 8:30, especially on church nights. I refuse to stay up late so that I can do things that I should be able to do during civilize daylight hours. I have yet to put BMW to bed before myself, but I have been trying to go to bed when he is tired and not making him wait until I am finished with my evening routine. I had to give up my exercises before bed, which made me sad. I feel like they really helped me de-stress at the end of the day and gave me some mental clarity and focus.

Mr. In The Mid-west also mentioned all the hours I spend on my phone during the day. If I really want to make the most of the daylight hours then I should spend less time on the internet. I can't argue much with this point, especially after trying it out. I was able to do more of the things I really wanted to, the only problem: I couldn't write blog posts about the neat things I was doing. (I did take pictures, though, and you will see them soon.) I want to figure out how to do both; manage my time and write blog posts about what I have done. Maybe I will figure out a way to do both. I have thought of using only one day a week to write posts and doing more useful things the other days.

Another solution of Mr. In The Mid-west's was for me to wean BMW. I really balked at this one. How do you expect me to be able to put him down for a nap? If he doesn't take a nap I am definitely not going to be getting more done. I did do it, though. I day-time weaned BMW, cold turkey. I thought he would cry for hours if he didn't get what he wanted and that would make my life so much harder, but he didn't.  Since I was trying to be more productive I wasn't sitting down on the couch as much and BMW didn't realize he was missing his milk. When he did ask to nurse I just told him, "No," and I would take him to the kitchen to get something to eat.  I normally have a hard time getting BMW to eat much real food. I was worried that he would go hungry if I didn't nurse him, but he started eating more of his real meals instead of being hungry or wining about not getting to nurse. I wasn't optimistic about getting him to take naps, but, that too, wasn't nearly as difficult as I had thought it would be. I usually read the Bible to him when he is tired. He would ask for a pillow and blanket if he was tired, and in 20 minutes he would fall asleep. Sometimes it takes longer than that (much longer) but it is not to bad.

Another thing Mr. In The Mid-west said to help, was that my number one job or priority should be caring for BMW and not planning and preparing meals for Mr. In The Mid-west. I really like cooking and meal planning. Meal planning and cooking takes up about 90% of my productive time. Grant it, I should be having more productive time, but as things are 90% of my productive time is used preparing food. I did take Mr. In The Mid-west up on this suggestion, though. I think Mr. In The Mid-west has regretted saying it. He misses me cooking for him. I made a large meal, and then served leftovers for several days. I didn't make hashbrowns, French fries, homemade tortillas, or English muffin breakfast sandwiches. Nothing time consuming or complicated. I normally think about the next meal as soon as the current one is over. I have not been planning ahead as I experiment with Mr. In The Mid-west's solutions and he is not liking the results. I will have to try a rotating menu, or something. I have been able to do a better job mothering without cooking so much. I have not been as annoyed with BMW messing up my plans because I have no plans. I need to find a balance approach.

The past couple of weeks I have been able to do some neat projects. I have successfully potty trained BMW. That is a huge victory! I have played with him a lot more. I have stacked a lot of Legos, read a ton of picture books, and put together puzzles. At the end of the day I can't always say I have much to show for it, but at least BMW has had a mom that is present and spent her time with him.

Quite frankly, I don't feel like playing with a two year old all day is very rewarding. I keep asking Jesus for help with my outlook in my prayers. But it takes a lot of prayer before I get help. I am also encouraged when I read scripture, but the proper perspective that comes from reading scripture doesn't last long in my mind. I need to be getting more and more throughout the day if it is to have an effect. I am grateful that I have God's words at my fingertips and that it does have power. I don't know what I'd do without it.

This post is a glimpse into my personal life and struggles, but it is just a glimpse. The main reason for putting this story out there is to keep things real. Most of the posts I write are about things I have accomplished, but to keep a balanced perspective I, also, want to show some of my failures.
Another reason for writing this post is because the conflict between pursuing my interests versus doing my real job does have an impact on this blog. I do believe in my heart of hearts that mothering is the most important job in the world, but my feelings don't always agree. BMW often gets in the way of my crafts and projects and in those moments I would rather be doing what I want to do than what he wants to do or needs me to do.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Cheesy Potato Perogi Recipe

Here is another way to use up potatoes! ;) (See the post titled, How Many Potatoes Can Mr. In The Mid-west Eat? for more on using up potatoes.)

Deep Fried Whole Wheat Perogies

I made perogies last week. It had been a couple of years since I had made a batch of perogies. I can't believe how time flies! Boy In The Mid-west wasn't even born last time I made perogies!

Assembly process for homemade perogies.

I have always been told that perogies originate from Poland. I am not sure how accurate that is. You can do your own research.

 Basically, what a perogi is, is a potato filled pasta/dumpling like food. They can be boiled and then pan fried in butter or they can be deep fried. They can be served with hot cheese sauce or a sour cream dip or caramelized onions.

Fresh perogies ready to be cooked.

 You could do a simple filling, just potatoes, cheese, sauteed onions, and salt and pepper.You could also use leftover mashed potatoes in the filling.

Filling ingredients before mixing.

This is just what I did. You can use it for a guideline and use the ingredients you have on hand to customize your perogies. :)

Potato And Cheese Perogies 

Yield: ~80

4 cups flour (I used whole wheat flour)
1 cup water
2 eggs
1 tsp. salt

Combine flour and salt in a large bowl. Create a well in the center; pour in the water and crack in the eggs. Beat the eggs into the water in the well of flour. Gradually stir the flour into the water and egg mixture in the center until all of the flour is incorporated. Knead the dough; cover and rest 30 minutes.

2 large potatoes
8 oz. sharp cheese, shredded
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. olive oil
1 TBS. butter
2 TBS. sour cream
1/3 cup sliced green onions (I would have used regular chopped onion, but I was out of them.)

Peel and cut the potatoes into large chunks. Place in a pot and cover with cold water. Over medium heat bring to a boil. Boil potatoes until soft, about 20 minutes. Drain potatoes, let them dry for about 60 seconds. Combine the potatoes with the rest of the fill ingredients. Use a potato masher or mixer to mash potatoes and combine ingredients.

Divide the dough in half. Set aside one half and on a lightly floured surface roll out the other half of dough to 1/8 inch thick. Cut into 3 inch circles, or about 3 inch circles. Fill each circle with 1 teaspoon of potato filling. Wet the circumference of the circles by dipping your finger into a dish of water and running it around the edge of the circles. Fold the circles in half enclosing the potato filling. Pinch the pockets closed and press with the times of a fork. At this point you can put the perogies in a freezer bag and freezer them for future consumption.

Boil perogies in a plenty of salted water until they float, about 10 minutes.

Deep Frying:
Deep fry Perogies in a couple inches of oil until they float to the surface

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Can you tell I'm embracing a Cinco de Mayo theme here this week? Do you like Mexican food? What's your favorite dish? How about on the side-black beans, pinto beans, refried beans, rice? What about heat-mild, medium, hot? Will you celebrate with Mexican food and drink on May 5th aka Cinco de Mayo?

A. Yes, I like Mexican food very much!
B. Homemade Refried Beans are my favorite Mexican dish. (Link to my recipe here.)  Honorable mentions include; chicken enchiladas, pork tamales, chili rellenos, and flautas.
C. Refried Pinto Beans are my choice out of black beans, pinto beans, refried beans, or rice, although I like all four.
D. I like medium heat for my hot sauce, salsa, or peppers. Jalapenos are as hot as I enjoy. Habeneros are to hot for my palette.
E. I don't really know what Cinco de Mayo is about. I have never done anything special on May 5. Maybe we will look into it and start a family tradition.

2. Ever been to Mexico? For work or holiday? Love it or no? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to visit? Can you speak Spanish?

A. I have never been to Mexico.
B. I would like to visit Mexico someday.
C. I only know a few words of the Spanish language. I couldn't hold a conversation. I would like to learn how to speak Spanish fluently.

3. What's one thing you may accomplish this month?

Planting a garden. Other things on the to-do list are a garage sale and a birthday party for Boy In The Mid-west. Party or not, he will have a birthday this month. :)

4. If you were mayor of your village, city, or town, what's one thing you'd like to see changed, done away with, revamped, or accomplished? Is serving in public office something you've ever seriously considered?

A. Everything seems to work pretty smoothly in our town. I can't think of anything I would change.
B. I have never considered serving in a public office.

5. What's something that may be popular, but that you just don't get?

The back to Eden gardening method is very popular among the gardening circles I am aware of, but I don't know much about it. I think that if I learned about it, though, I would join the movement.

6. Can't let this week slip by without mentioning Thursday May 4th is Star Wars Day. As in 'May the 4th be with you' ahem. Are you a fan of the Star Wars series? Exactly how much of a fan are you? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being 'I've seen every film, own the action figures, might have dressed as Darth Vader for Halloween one year', and 1 being, 'what's a Vader?' -where do you land?

A. I am not a fan of Star Wars. Star Wars is heavily influenced by new age mysticism, which is contrary to a Biblical worldview.
B.If I could choose zero I would, but on a scale of 1-10 I pick 1 to represent how much I am not a fan of Star Wars.

7. Scroll back through your blog posts and in three sentences or less tell us the general theme of your fourth blog post. Does it still ring true today? Is it a topic you re-visit on your blog from time to time?

A. The fourth blog post that I wrote was about making fresh spinach noodles.
B. I still like making fresh noodles.
C. This blog is still very much about food and what I have been cooking recently. :)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am now off to read some recipes about deep frying chicken legs. My tried and true fried chicken recipe calls for a 1/4 inch of oil in the pan. The chicken pieces are sealed on all sides and then covered with a lid and cooked over low heat for 40 minutes, turning halfway through the cooking time. I want to try out the new deep fryer that I bought for my husband, though, so I need a new recipe. :) (I may write a future blog post on how I got the deep fryer. I got a really, really good deal on it. )

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Haven Of Rest

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

 Psalm 37:7

The Haven of Rest

1 My soul in sad exile was out on life’s sea,
So burdened with sin and distressed,
Till I heard a sweet voice, saying, “Make Me your choice”;
And I entered the “Haven of Rest”! 

I’ve anchored my soul in the “Haven of Rest,”
I’ll sail the wide seas no more;
The tempest may sweep over wild, stormy, deep,
In Jesus I’m safe evermore. 

2 I yielded myself to His tender embrace,
In faith taking hold of the Word,
My fetters fell off, and I anchored my soul;
The “Haven of Rest” is my Lord. [Refrain]

3 The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole,
Has been the old story so blest,
Of Jesus, who’ll save whosoever will have
A home in the “Haven of Rest.” [Refrain]

4 How precious the thought that we all may recline,
Like John, the beloved so blest,
On Jesus’ strong arm, where no tempest can harm,
Secure in the “Haven of Rest.” [Refrain]

5 Oh, come to the Savior, He patiently waits
To save by His power divine;
Come, anchor your soul in the “Haven of Rest,

For we which have believed do enter into rest,....

For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Hebrews 4: 3a+10

Aren't you glad that eternal life is a free gift, that we can cease from own works, and enter into His rest?

I have stopped working to enter heaven, have you?

I have believed on Jesus, I have faith in his death, burial, and resurrection, and I know I have a home in heaven for eternity.

I am so glad that eternal life is a free gift and all I had to do was receive that gift by faith.