
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tightwad Tip: Lemon Zest

I read this tip a few days ago and thought it was brilliant! I was reading reviews on a recipe that I wanted to try when I came across this advice. A reviewer mentioned that she never likes to let anything go to waste (I am with ya there, Sister!) and so anytime she has fresh lemons on hand she zests the lemons and save the zest in the freezer to add to baked goods later.

I like that idea. I enjoy the flavor that lemon zest adds to various foods. 
This time I zested all the lemons, even though I only needed the zest of two or three lemons in the recipe. The rest of the zest is now waiting in the freezer to add fresh flavor to a recipe at a time in the future when I don't have any fresh lemons at hand.

Don't you think that is a smart idea?

More Tightwad Tips:


  1. Great tip! I love lemon zest in both sweet and savory dishes. This is one of those tips where I think, "hey, why didn't I think of that?!" I don't like things to go to waste either.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Alyssa! Yeah, I know! I had the same feeling. :)

  2. Hi, how do you store the dezested lemons ? Thanks. (Mine didn't keep well)


    1. Annieh,
      I used my dezested lemons in a recipe right away. I wouldn't try zesting them until right before using them. I'm sorry your lemons perished. :(

  3. Thanks. Sometimes I am too economical and try to save things too long. In future I'll take your advice - it's not hard to use up lemon juice.



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