
Monday, July 13, 2015

Try Something New ??

Dear readers, I am thinking about doing a segment every Friday about a new recipe I have tried in that week. It would be a review, of sorts, where I try something new every week and let you all know how we liked it.
My goal would be to continue this for 12 weeks. It may be something I keep up longer than that, but the goal would be to make it to 12 weeks and then assess the possibility of continuing.
Please let me know what you think, in the comments. I, also, will take suggestions for recipes to try. :-)
This would, also, be an attempt to improve my wifey skills. My meals, lately, have lacked much to be desired. Mr. in the Mid-west would appreciate this new segment every week.  :-)


  1. This sounds like a good idea to me! :) I haven't been so great at making meals lately here either, so I could use some new recipes to try out myself. :)

  2. It sounds like a good idea. :-) As William Cowper wrote, "Variety is the very spice of life." Sometimes it is inspiring to change things up a bit. Food is a relatively easy way to do that.

  3. What a great idea! I look forward to reading about the recipes you try if you decide to do it for sure! :) I know Graham would love if I did something like this, I definitely have gone to the very simple easy meal approach, and I sometime lack variety. With all our little ones it doesn't leave me a lot of time to be in the kitchen. I've been thinking I should start using my crockpot more to help free up some of the time it takes to get supper in the evening.

  4. I'm always on the lookout for new things to make. Can't wait for the first instalment!

  5. Thank you all for your feed back! It looks like this idea is s good one. Look for the first new recipe I will be sharing on Friday. :)

  6. THis will be a wonderful series, my dear :) I look forward to future posts.

    Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration this week. Hugs!


Thank you so much for your comments!