
Monday, January 15, 2018

Folding Origami Paper Balloons

Origami Paper Balloon
Step 1. Crease a square piece of paper in the manner shown above with the creases going in the same directions.
Step 2. Use the creases to fold into a triangular shape.
Gather the triangle faces together, as shown.
Step 3. Lay your triangle shape flat on work surface. Lift the front, lower corner and fold it up to the top center corner.
Step 4. Repeat Step 3. With the other front, lower corner. Then turn the triangle over and fold the remaining corners up, as well.
Step 5. You should have a square standing on it's corner, so that it is kind of like a diamond. Take a front, side corner and fold the point into the center of the square.
Step 6. Repeat Step 5. On the other top, side corner. 
Step 7. Fold a front, top corner down to the center of the square as shown. 
Step 8. Stuff the section that was just folded down from the top into a pocket made in the section folded in from the side.
Stuff it in and fold it securely. Fold the other top corner down and stuff it, as well.

Step 9. Turn paper over, from front to back, and repeat Steps 5-8. Fold the side corners to the center. Fold the top corners down and stuff the into the side corners.
Step 10. Locate the small hole in one end and blow air, swiftly into the hole to inflate your balloon.
Now you have a completed paper balloon! 

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