
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Doulingo: A Free Language Learning App

You may have heard of Doulingo. It is a free language learning app. I downloaded it a year ago and have been using it to learn Spanish. I have learned over 4,000 words. The app is very easy to use. It only takes a few minutes (like 5) each day to complete a lesson. A few minutes here and there can really add up, though. Over the course of a year I spent over 78 hours learning Spanish just a few minutes at a time. Doulingo makes learning  fun and interactive. Doulingo teaches by using sight and sound and speech. There are listening exercises, as well as reading and spelling exercises, and portions of lessons where you have to practice speaking. By using all these methods to teach Doulingo is more effective than just learning by reading a book.

I still have a long way to go before I will be able to speak Spanish fluently. I would like to reach that goal before I am 30. Why? I have heard that if you don't learn a foreign language before you are 30 you likely never will. I have also heard that learning a language is good for your mind. It engages parts of your brain that other activities don't.

If you are interested in learning a language I recommend checking out Doulingo. They teach all the major languages like German, French, and Spanish, as well as obscure and endangered languages like Hawaiian
Navajo, and Irish, plus everything in between!
Here is a link.

Click here


  1. Thank you for sharing the link! I might check it out just for curiousity. :) If it's only a few minutes a day, might not hurt to give it a try just to do it even though I haave no real purpose for learning a different language. :)

    1. You're welcome! It's good to have intellectual goals even if it's not learning a language. We have to keep our brains active! ;)


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