
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Herb Gathering


I had grandiose ideas of growing all types of herbs for tea this summer to enjoy all winter.

I wanted Anise, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Borage to name a few. But, I either didn't start enough plants or they never came up. :(
My Lemon Balm is growing good. I think I need to allow it to establish itself this first year before I start harvesting from it.

I left my Sage behind at our old house. I have really been missing Sage as a seasoning, especially in Breakfast Sausage.

I threw some Sage seeds in the ground this Spring, but they never came up. I think I'll start a few Sage seedlings this Summer. They should have enough time to get established enough to make it through the Winter.

Wait.............. What is this?

Look what I just found while weeding! It is a baby Sage! So, one did sprout!:) I will give it some special attention over the rest of the growing season. Hopefully it will be thriving by the time Fall is upon us.

Even though I don't have as many tea herbs as I had hoped, I have been cutting and drying as many as I can.

I have Lavender, Mint, Marigolds, and a little Borage. I really would love to have some Chamomile. I have a lot of trouble starting Chamomile. I only have done so successfully one year. I might be better off foraging Pineapple Weed, since it is Wild Chamomile, and has no trouble growing. I see it in almost every driveway. I would have to be careful and find out that no weed killer has been sprayed on it, though.

I hope these will make a good tea blend for the Winter.
Do you have any favorite herbs for tea making? I'd love to hear what they are!

Psalm 104:14
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;


  1. I'm sorry you've been missing having sage to use! I'm glad one small plant did come up for you, and I hope it takes off and does well. :) I actually had meant to ask you if you wanted to use some of our sage; we have a healthy plant that I actually never have even used yet, other than drying some leaves last year (which I actually have not used yet either). You're more than welcome to harvest some of ours next time you're over. :)

    1. Thank you for the sage offer, Sunshine Country! It will be a while before I can harvest any of my own sage. I wouldn't need too much. I don't go through it too quickly. :)

  2. Your herbs looks wonderful! I like to grow herbs for tea as well. Strangely I have no problem with chamomile...but mint doesn't grow very big for me. I do like to pinch off the tops of my lemon balm to make it bushier...and then use the little tops in fresh tea.
    Enjoy your herbs!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I think pinching back the lemon balm is a good idea. I will be doing that now. I can dry the little prunings to put in my tea blend. :)


Thank you so much for your comments!