
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

How To Sew On A Button And Add A Shank


This is how you sew on a button and make a shank with the thread. 

The trick is to use a darning needle to hold space.
You could also use a toothpick or something of that diameter.
Adding a shank makes the buttons easier to manipulate and put through the button holes.

Double the thread on your needle. Place the darning needle across the top of the button.
Stitch three stitches through each set of holes in the button going over the darning needle.
The last time you make a stitch direct the needle out under the button, 
between the button and the garment 
Pull the darning needle out from under the stitches.
The loops of thread will be loose.
Take the needle and thread and twist it around the button.
Go around 3 to 4 times. 
Now there is a shank on your button!
It is hard to see in the picture, but the shank allows
 for some space between your garment and the button itself.
Shanks make it easier to button and unbutton closers.
After creating the shank, 
push your needle through to the back side of the garment
 and tie off as you normally would.
Tada! Ready to wear! :)


  1. I didn't know this was how to make that extra space for the thread! Thank you for sharing, I will be using this tip sometime soon!

    1. Thank you for the comment, Sunshine Country! I glad that you found this tip useful!:)

  2. I needed this post! I learned many years ago that a button sewed on tightly does not work, but I have always struggled with keeping it loose. This darning needle on top of the button trick is one I can't wait to try! Pinning.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Jean! I am glad to know that you find this tip helpful!:)

  3. It's great to know how to do this simple thing. That shank is very important!


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