
Wednesday, June 1, 2022


I really want to make some freckled dolls, Anne-of-Green-Gables-esque.

I purchased a permanent fabric marker with a fine point tip.

I have these five doll bodies finished. (HERE is my pattern.) I can't wait until the legs and hair are sewn on to try this marker. 

I may regret this, but here goes......

I'll test it on the back of a doll's head first. If it turns out terribly wrong the hair will cover my mistake and no one will be the wiser.

That went surprisingly well! 

Let me finish a doll completely before I show you the face. 

I got the legs sewn on while I was at the playground with the children.

This is how I cut the yarn for doll hair:
Wrap yarn around a thin book that is about 8 inches tall.

Keep wrapping yarn around the book until you have about 5 inches of yarn.

Snip the yarn in half with scissors at one of the open edges of the book.

I sewed the hair on and braided it. HERE is a doll hair tutorial with details.

What do you think? 
I am happy with the freckles. I think the marker worked well! 
The marker brand is Marvy made by Uchida of America Corp. If you need to make freckles, I would recommend their fine point fabric marker.


  1. That's exciting you finally got a red haired doll made! It looks cute. :) I'm glad the fabric marker worked well!

  2. Very very cute! Love the freckles. The marker was perfect for that.


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