
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I Finally Got To Plant My Garden!

This is my first time planting a garden as late as June, but I am so excited to have a garden this year.

I have a nice big plot on our property. It is bigger than my last two gardens at our last two places.

My new garden is 15'×55'. I was able to plant:
Dinosaur Kale
Bell Peppers 
Anaheim Chilis
Roma Tomatoes 
Sweet 100 Tomatoes 
Big Beef Tomatoes 
Yukon Gold Potatoes 
Purple Potatoes 
Swiss Chard
Green Beans
Butternut Squash 

We'll see how everything grows. Like I said, I've never planted a garden this late. According to all the information on the seed packets, I should have enough time for our vegetables to mature before frost.

The sad part is that I had to buy tomato plants. I had a tragedy with my tomatoes that I started from seed.
From everything I can read online and pictures I have looked at, the deformed leaves on my plants look like tomatoes that have been damaged by herbicides.

I don't know how that could have happened. My other plants are just fine. But I couldn't transplant my tomatoes and wait to see if they were going to snap out of it because of how late in the season it is. I would have no opportunity to replant if my tomato plants were permanently damaged.

Thankfully, there was a garden/farm store in our area that still had a large selection of plants left!
I was able to purchase all the plants I needed.
We were able to do most of the work on Saturday. And I finished up the last planting yesterday evening. I can't wait to watch things grow!

How are your gardens growing?
For further reading........
Here are some other gardening blog posts from over the years: 


  1. That is exciting that you are able to plant a big garden this year! I hope it will grow well for you. I planted a few things this year, I just planted some cucumbers and zucchini yesterday, so some of mine is late as well.


    1. Thank you for the comment, Emily! It is nice to know that I am not alone with planting late. Hopefully, we both have bountiful crops.

  2. What a great garden patch. Disappointing about the tomatoes, you'd done such a great job of growing them. I still have bell peppers to put in and some flowers.



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