
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Lesson From The Carpenter Bee

 I observed a carpenter bee. It flew close to the lumber where it's burrow was. It's front legs were extended, ready to grasp the hole. It's body was stretching, trying to reach. 
It banged into the piece of wood, bounced off, and was thrown back a few inches. It's wings were still buzzing. Steadying itself, it approached the lumber again. Legs extended, body stretching, wings buzzing. 
Again, it banged into the wood, was thrown back and had to steady itself. It made a third approach.
A fourth approach. 
The bee flew several feet away to reorient itself.........

I didn't stick around any longer to observe. I had seen enough. I have seen this scenario with carpenter bees many times. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that carpenter bees weren't meant to live in wood as their natural role in creation. Many times I look at creation and can see how specialized each creature is to achieve its natural mission in life. Not so with the carpenter bee. And I took this lesson:

When what is natural doesn't come naturally, just keep trying.

It was the carpenter bee's persistence that I could learn. In the past I have felt that my natural role didn't come naturally to me. I wanted to quit and resist doing the difficult thing. But, no, sometimes what is natural doesn't come naturally, and it takes time and practice and tenacity to achieve your natural role in life. Maybe, you can take this lesson and apply it to specific scenarios in your life. Sometimes what is natural doesn't come naturally. Just keep at it. Do hard things.

Galatians 6:9 
And let us not be weary in well doing: 
for in due season we shall reap, 
if we faint not.


Thank you so much for your comments!