
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Music I Have Been Enjoying Lately

I am a musical person! I have had some musically dry time periods in my life when I either didn't have a piano or radio or didn't take any time to play or at the very least sing. I definitely missed music during those spells. Music just brings light and life to a dimension of my personality. I am sure I am not alone in this feeling. Somethings are just expressed best through music! I thought I would take this opportunity to share some of the piano pieces that I have been enjoying lately. Along with some auditory versions so that you can enjoy them, too.

Raindrop Prelude by Chopin 

Vanished Days by Grieg

Epilogue by Heller

And, Moonlight Sonata mvt. 1 by Beethoven.

I don't really take time to learn new songs these days, but someday I dream of adding a few to my repertoire. I really love Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring by Bach. I chose this piece for my bridal processional when Mr. In The Mid-west and I got married. It would be so nice to play it for myself.

May Sheep Safely Graze, also, by Bach

And, I have always wanted to be able to play Liebestraum by List. It doesn't have the same appeal that it used to for me, but I'd still like to be able to play it someday.

Do enjoy any of these songs? Do you have any favorite songs to share? Maybe we can have a conversation about music in the comments section!


  1. I like "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," but not very many other classical pieces...except perhaps Canon in D. :) I enjoy songs that have a classical sound, but also have a recognizable tune. If that makes sense. Music makes me happy, and I enjoy listening to old time hymns sings, acoustic guitar hymns, and some of Brian Cranes piano songs...although they can be a little melancholy, so I generally don't listen to them very long. :)
    I also like some of the singing by the John Marshall family.

    Hope you are having a nice day! It's beautiful and sunny here.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Amy! I really enjoyed the music you turned on when we stayed with you. I liked that you seemed to always have something playing. Music makes me happy, too! I have started playing music more frequently since we spent time with you. You inspired me! :)
      I will have to look up the artists you mentioned. If you like happy sounding piano music I suggest you trying to listen to David Nevue. He has several hymn arrangements, as well. I think his style is really pretty!
      We had a sunny day here, too. It was warmer than it's been for a while. We got to take a walk. :)

    2. I just listened to Brian Crain's Butterfly Waltz. It is beautiful! Thank you for the suggestion!


Thank you so much for your comments!