Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How To Fold A Flat Diaper

 I have been cloth diapering my one year old for the past month or so. Lately I have spent a lot of time washing and folding cloth diapers.

Flat diapers on the clothes line.

My favorite cloth diaper method has been to use flats or prefolds with water proof covers. And between the two, (flats and prefolds), I prefer flats. 

Here is how to fold a flat diaper.

Lay the diaper out in front of you.

Fold the right side toward the center.
Eye balling it,
Fold the right edge just a few inches past
the center line.

Fold the left side towards the center.
fold the edge just past the center point.
You want the fabric in the middle to
over lap by 3-4 inches.

Fold the lower edge up towards the middle.

You want to fold the lower edge up more
for smaller babies and less for 
larger babies. This adjusts the size of 
the diaper for the size of the baby.

Fold the right third over the middle.

Fold the left third over the middle.
I like to tuck the left flap into the pocket created by folded down bit 
on the right side. 

Ta-da! The diaper is ready to be used!

To put the diaper on a baby:
Open the flaps at the top, this will
be the back of the diaper.

Position the baby on the diaper.

Pull the front portion of the diaper,
the part with the extra absorbancy,
up between the baby's legs.

Pin the back corner, on one side,
 to the front of the diaper.
Careful, don't poke the baby!

Pin the back corner, on the other side,
to the front of the diaper.

And that is a wrap!
Let me know if you cloth diaper or if you would like to see more posts about cloth diapering!


Jennifer said...

I used to use cloth diapers with my oldest and loved them.
Would have continued but the support of it wasn't there at home.
Thanks for the tutorial...teddies are good for all sorts of things. :)

Sarah said...

I enjoyed using cloth diapers with our daughter. I used flat fold diapers and the rubber pants too. The Mennonite stores in my area provide all of the old-fashioned cloth diapering necessities, so I ended up using what they provided in place of the modern/fancier cloth diapering options. One item I found at their stores that I really found useful were snappi cloth diaper fasteners. They are a lot easier to use then pins, and save time. If you can't find them in your area let me know, I'd be happy to send you some. : )

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Jennifer!
I also cloth diapered my eldest. I knew if I didn't try with my first born I would never get around to it with subsequent children. Lol!
Mr. In The Mid-west has never understood why I like cloth diapering so much, but he doesn't squelch my enthusiasm. I am so glad he put up a clothes line for me. I had always dreamed of hanging diapers out on a line. :) It is lovely to be outdoors and still getting my chores done. ;)

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Sarah!
What a great experience! I have found the old-fashioned way to be the most practical way, too. Nothing against an automatic washer, though. I thank God for living in a time with that advancement. Lol!
Thank you for the tip about the snappi fasteners! I was actually gifted some with my first born. I tried them, but they always made me nervous. I was afraid they weren't very secure. Maybe I should give them a try again. That is so sweet of you to offer to send me some! Thank you so much! I will see if I can find the ones that I had used in the past. I haven't kept real good track of them. :)