Thursday, December 29, 2022

Let's Read Through The Bible Again!

Years ago my sister in law told me that she had heard about a family who read the Bible together every day. They read through the Bible every year. Each child that was old enough to read read a portion out loud each day. One of the children had such a good memory and had read through the Bible so many times that he could give the reference to any passage that was quoted to him. No matter what page you flipped to, he could tell you what chapter and verse you were reading. 

After hearing that story, I thought, "That's what I want for my children!" Can you imagine how helpful that level of knowledge of the scriptures would be for a person's Christian walk? How quickly you could spot when a false teacher is twisting God's word? Or, even when a person with the right intentions may misquote or misuse the word of God. And even when Bible story books leave out parts, or, God forbid; add parts to the story.

My first baby was born in 2015. When the New Year came I started reading the Bible to my baby. 2016 was the first year that I read my Bible through, aloud.

It has taken me 2 years to read the Bible through sometimes. But, I haven't given up. I just pick up where I left off and keep going.

This year I got through the whole Bible. I finished the last page of Revelation yesterday.

The children are already anticipating starting over in Genesis. I am waiting until the New Year to start over. I did read to them some Psalms for our Bible reading today. My oldest said in a disappointed tone, "You aren't starting over?"

"Yes, yes we will start over!"

I'd like to encourage you to start with us!

We read 3 pages a day 5-6 days a week. This schedule gives us plenty of cushion days for when "things" happen and we don't get to read our 3 pages.

Find a Bible reading plan that works for you. When you fall off the plan (because you will) get back up, dust yourself off, and start where you left off. 

God's word has power. I guarantee that it will be a blessing to your spirit.

Psalms 119:105 

 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, 

and a light unto my path.


Grace said...

This was encouraging. Thank you!

Sunshine Country said...

I'm glad I was able to find that book for you! It was interesting how I came across it by accident after we had talked about it. How has your reading in it been going? :)