Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Jonquil by Henry Beer |Poem


Look what Mr. in the Mid-west brought me
last week! :)

The Jonquil

The Jonquil is a charming flower
Which blooms in April's sun and shower;
It blooms quite early in the spring
When blossoms burst, and songbirds sing.

Few flowers share with it in fame;
It has such sweet and varied names;
In former days, as well as ours,
The folks called them Easter flowers.

But Jonquil is the polished name,
By men of higher rank and fame.
The common people call it still
The lovely, cheerful Daffodil.

Then, when recedes the winter's cold,
We see them break the frosty mold
And raise their heads to welcome spring,
While birds their springtime carols sing.

Their blossoms, trumpetlike, proclaim
The glory due that worthy Name,
Who at the time the Jonquils bloom
Arose triumphant from the tomb.

The Jonquil blossoms fill the air
With fragrance sweet, yet mild and rare;
Where'er they bloom, it is a thrill
To see the golden Daffodils.

They take their place in Nature's plan
When in the spring they bloom again.

By Henry Beer
My Garden of Verse
Page 53

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