Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chocolate Gravy Recipe

Does chocolate gravy sound strange to you? I can understand why some may think pouring chocolate gravy over biscuits is unappealing.

Let me tell you how I became acquainted with chocolate gravy.

My Grandma on my mother's side usually would come stay at our house when my Mom had a baby. She was there to see the baby, of course, and help out while my Mom recovered.

My third brother was born at night and the following morning Grandma made chocolate gravy and biscuits for breakfast for us all! They were delicious!

Grandma started a tradition in our family. After that, every time my Mom had a baby we would make chocolate gravy and biscuits for breakfast the next morning. This happened many times. My Mom has given birth to 14 children!

Now that we are grown up and having our own babies my Mom will bring us chocolate gravy and biscuits when she comes to meet her grandbabies. And often when there is a baby born in the family (like a niece or nephew to myself) I will make chocolate gravy and biscuits at our home to celebrate.

I had a nephew born recently and while I was eating my celebratory breakfast I called Grandma to ask her where she had first had chocolate gravy. She told me that when she was a little girl her grandma made chocolate gravy and biscuits for her. She would put the chocolate gravy over her biscuits and then place pats of butter on top. She remembers thinking that the yellow pools of melting butter looked so pretty against the dark chocolate.

Grandma told me that her grandma was from Arkansas. I think chocolate gravy must be a southern thing. My mom has a cook book that has a recipe for chocolate gravy and that cook book was compiled by a church, also, in Arkansas. I have never run into anyone in the Midwest who has heard of chocolate gravy except a friend who said her in laws from, you guessed it, Arkansas, make chocolate gravy.

If you are interested in trying chocolate gravy here is the recipe. (But the main reason I want this recipe here, on my blog, is so that I don't lose it, again.)

Chocolate Gravy

6 TBS. Cocoa Powder
1 cup Sugar
3/4 cup Milk
1/4 cup Butter
1/8 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Vanilla

Combine cocoa powder and sugar in saucepan. Blend in milk. Add butter and salt. Cook and stir constantly until mixture begins to boil. Remove from heat. Add vanilla. Serve over hot biscuits. Enjoy!


Sunshine Country said...

I thought the chocolate gravy tasted quite good over the biscuits that your mom made. :) I may have to make that here sometime to let everyone else try it. Thank you for the recipe! It was interesting to hear your Grandma's story about it.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you liked the chocolate gravy! And you're not even a huge chocolate fan. :) You're welcome for the recipe. I hope you get to make it sometime. :)

Emily said...

I’ve been curious about chocolate gravy ever since hearing about it. Thanks for posting the recipe, this will be fun to try making! It sounds so yummy!