Friday, May 20, 2022

Doll Hair Tutorial With Yarn

Of course a Doll can't grow hair, but have you ever wondered how a Rag Doll goes from this..........

to this,.......?
In this blog post I will share how I give my Rag Dolls a full head of hair. 
(IF you are interested in purchasing my Rag Dolls or my Rag Doll pattern visit QuietStandards on Etsy.)
Back to the tutorial.
The supplies are:
A whole bunch of yarn strings cut to 12-14 inches long

Use a pencil to draw a line down the middle of the back of the doll's head.
Carry this line over to the front of the doll's head.
Take a strand of yarn and fold it in half.
Stitch the center of the piece of yarn to the doll's head, using the pencil line as a stitching guide.
Loop your thread around the center of the yarn.
Use your needle to stitch down into the doll head at the back side of the yarn and bring your needle up a few millimeters out in front of the yarn, setting up for the next piece of yarn.
And then loop the next stitch back over another piece of yarn and so on and so forth....
Keep going.
When you have stitched the last piece of yarn onto the doll's head, tie off the thread in an inconspicuous area of the head where the knot will not be visible once the hair is braided.

Tie the hair into ponytails using a length of thread or yarn.
Tack the ponytails to the sides of the doll's head with a couple stitches that go around the thread or yarn tying the ponytails and back through the fabric of the head.
Carefully braid the ponytails and tie off with thread or yarn.

Use scissors to trim the long ends, leaving as much tassel as you like.
Even up all the ends, making all the strands the same length.

And that concludes this tutorial. If you have any questions, please send me a message or leave a comment!


Jennifer said...

That's an adorable doll! Interesting to see how you created the hair.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Jennifer! I am glad you found this tutorial interesting!

Anonymous said...

I love her hair and your rag dolls!

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you, Anonymous! :)