Friday, August 19, 2022

A Bunch of Drying

 I've been drying some of summer's bounty the last couple months.

The children and I picked pineapple weed all throughout June. We were able to collect almost a full quart jar of dried pineapple weed flowers. I blended them with mint and lemon balm for tea.

The rest of the herbs and flowers from my yard, that can be used for herbal infusions, I have been collecting and blending together. 

There is a little borage, calendula, mint, lemon balm, lavender, and rose petals. I added some anise seed and ginger. I'm calling this Yard Blend Tea. :)

From our neighborhood community garden I have all this basil to dry.

These hot banana peppers are from my garden. I did not feel like pickling them. I decided to hang them and once they're dry maybe I can grind them into some kind of chili powder. ? I have never done anything like that before. Have any of you ever dried banana peppers? I could use some advice!

Psalms 104:14
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle,
and herb for the service of man: 
that he may bring forth food 
out of the earth;


Sunshine Country said...

You have done better than me at getting lots of herbs dried! I did dry some lavender and mint, but most of my Calendulas went to waste...not to mention my Chamomile. :( That was disappointing, but like you had said, there likely will be lots of it sprouting up on its own the following year! I should try to dry my Cinnamon Basil too and see if I can find some use for it.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you, Sunshine Country! It sounds like you have a beautiful garden regardless of whether you harvested the flowers! :)
I have never used cinnamon basil, but I would be willing to try it. Let me know what you think of it's flavor, if you do try cooking with it.