Monday, October 9, 2023

Taping Books Back Together


We have a section of our book case that is dedicated to the books that need repair. Oftentimes, it is the same books over and over that need taped back together again.

Last week I went through them and spent a couple hours taping pages and covers back together.

I was thinking a lot about the contradictory feelings I go through as a mother. On the one hand I want to teach my children to take better care of our possessions and on the other hand I have to remind myself that I shouldn't care so much for our possessions that I become overmuch angry when they get destroyed. How do I strike the right balance?

This is a beloved book to me. I have taped it so many times. Several times I almost gave up and just about threw the pieces away. This book was a baby shower gift for my oldest child. I have memories of reading it over and over for him. I also remember the first time he ripped a page. I got so angry. 
"No! No! Why did you do this?"
"Why did this have to happen?"
 "It will never be the same! It's ruined!"
I wailed. 
I cared too much about the book. Paper and ink. Looking back, the guilt I feel over my reaction casts a sour cloud over the good memories I have of reading this book.

Now days, I explain to my children that they need to take care of our books, but I accept the fact that our books are bound to get ripped. I collect the pieces and tape them back together as well as I can.
I don't fly off the handle, like I used to, but still, I get a discontented feeling over the fact that we can't keep stuff nice. I am still working on striking that balance.

They need to care more for stuff, and I need to care less for stuff. Do you see what I mean by contradictory feelings?

Galatians 6:9 
And let us not be weary in well doing:
 for in due season we shall reap, 
if we faint not.


Amy said...

I know what you mean! I have struggled with this too. Lately I feel more relaxed about it, and am trying to enjoy the special moments more. I remember being at a garage sale a few years ago, and hearing two ladies talk. One was shopping for children's books, and the other was standing nearby. The one shopping was complaining how her children always destroyed her books, and the other lady looked puzzled and said, "Really?! Mine NEVER hurt any books and were always gentle with them." I had to laugh since I could relate to the first lady and sympathize.

Yes, I try to teach them to be careful, and gentle... but I understand life happens and I'd rather have good memories with them, than memories of being cross for an unintentional rip or tear in a book or other belonging. Thanks for sharing! It's nice to read something relatable vs. a perfection post. :D

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for your comment, Amy! It's nice to hear that I am not the only one. :) I am glad that you appreciated the realness of this post. :)