Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I Finally Did It! | Summer Solstice

For years I have wanted to watch sunrise and sunset on the longest day of the year. I finally got to do it this year, June 20, 2024.

I slept outside in a tent to make it easier to get up that early. It is always easier to arise when you can hear the birds and see the dawning light and, of course I can't forget the most obvious reason, when you're sleeping on the hard ground. :)

My two oldest boys (9yrs. and 6yrs.)wanted to watch the sunrise, too. So, I woke them up. My youngest (2yrs.) woke up when we were unzipping the tent door. We brought him with us, too. We walked down the street to a dead end that has a clear view to the eastern horizon. What a beautiful morning! It was serene being outside, feeling the fresh air, and watching the sky change.

Sunrise 5:29am CDT

For sunset, again we walked. This time over to the western side of town where there was a dead end street with a clear view to the western horizon. It was a still evening and the sky was pretty!

Sunset 9:31pm CDT

I finally did it! I experienced the longest day from the beginning to the ending. Just over 15 hours of daylight. 

Now the days begin to shorten. And thus, the cyclical nature of life.

Ecclesiastes 1:4-5 
One generation passeth away, 
and another generation cometh: 
but the earth abideth for ever.
The sun also ariseth, 
and the sun goeth down, 
and hasteth to his place where he arose.

1 comment:

Haley Smith said...

Wow! The idea of seeing the sunrise and sunset on the solstice has never crossed my mind! You caught really beautiful pictures of them.