Friday, May 26, 2023

The Robin By Henry Beer (Poem)


The Robin
By Henry Beer

The robin is a lusty bird,
A pioneer, I'd say.
He comes when chilling winds prevail,
When clouds and storms hold sway.

The robin leaves the sunny south,
He loves the north land best.
He loves our summer, spring, and fall,
'Tis here he builds his nest.

The seasons he can well discern,
He knows when spring is here.
And other feathered friends come too,
When robins do appear.

We hear him in the early morn,
He sings a joyful lay.
The art of industry and toil,
The robin does convey.

The robin is a friend of man,
He builds his home near by.
He nests on ledge of porch, or roof,
Or lilac growing nigh.

The robin is a builder too,
His nest is neat and round.
Although 'tis made of mud and straw,
A work of art is found.

The robin eggs are heavenly blue,
How pleasant to the eye!
The eggs retain the color of
The blue, ethereal sky.

The robin careth for his own;
His brood is well supplied.
If base intruders enter in,
They boldly are defied.

They are a blessing unto man,
For countless bugs they eat.
The worms that spoil the fruit and tree
Become their food and meat.

'Tis true he loves the cherries bright
That hang in trees quite high.
The cherries which we can not reach
He takes as his supply.

Shall we deny the scanty store
That creatures need to live?
The good they do for us is more
Then they ask us to give.

This bird with coat of crimson-brown
Is welcome to our heart.
When chilling winds of autumn come,
From him we're loath to part.


Sunshine Country said...

I think I'll always have memories come to me of Emily's mother-in-law whenever I think about robins. ❤️ She always loved making it a fun thing each spring for everyone in the family to see who could see the first robin and/or hummingbird show up after the winter, and giving a special gift card or something to whoever did. Just a few weeks or so before she passed away, she was able to see a big flock of robins just outside her window, and it was really special to her!

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for sharing those sweet memories, Sunshine Country. :,-)