Monday, November 13, 2023

I Finally Cleaned My Blinds


Cleaning blinds has never sifted it's way to the top of my list of priorities. I can probably think of a hundred things I'd rather do than clean blinds.
Let me try:
1. Wash dishes
2. Cook a meal
3. Sort laundry
4. Take a walk
5. Practice piano
6. Go to the library
7. Read a book
8. Go grocery shopping
9. Meal plan
10. Write a journal entry
11. Brush my teeth
12. Make my bed
13. Teach 1st grade 
14. Hang clothes
15. Go the park
16. Clip fingernails
17. Supervise bath time
18. Do hair cuts
19. Weed a garden
20. Cut flowers
21. Bake a pie
22. Write a blog post
23. Crack nuts
24. Climb a tree
25. Ride a bicycle
26. Vacuum the carpets
27. Water plants
28. Watch a movie
29. Sew a dress
30. Knit a wash rag
31. Change the sheets
32. Can tomatoes
33. De-bone chicken thighs
34. Call my Mom
35. Write a letter
36. Paint a picture
37. Make a card
38. Clean the bathroom
39. Rinse diapers
40. Fold towels
41. Weed wack
42. Edit photos
43. Bird watch
44. Sing a song
45. Play a card game
46. Go fishing 
Well, I am grasping at straws now. I made it to 46, not quite 100. You get the point, though. I have so many things that I'd rather do than clean mini blinds.
That is why my blinds look like this:
Yuck! The dust is so thick they look as if they have grown a fur coat! 

After I cleaned the blind on the left I was so impressed with difference in the amount of light that filtered though that I took this side by side comparison picture. The picture doesn't do the the visual justice. In person the difference was more drastic. It's a good thing, too, because it gave me the motivation to wash the rest of the blinds in the kitchen and living room.

I have been enjoying my clean windows and dust free blinds for the past few days, now that the job is done. It does feel nice to have clean window dressings!

Are there any jobs that you put off because you really don't like the work? Or, am I the only whiny, lazy housewife? Please share your stories in the comments!


Haley Smith said...

What did you use for cleaning? A long while ago, like two plus years.. I tried cleaning the blinds in the kitchen and I think I got about six slats done before I gave up. The grease and dust was too thick to scrub off. Plus I pulled the whole thing out of its bracket accidentally so I chalked it up as a disaster and have never looked back. But they are awfully dirty.. I think I was using ammonia and soap water.

AAC14 said...

I put off washing my floors a lot. That's probably my least favorite chore. By the way, baby wipes work GREAT for cleaning blinds. They are also good for cleaning baseboards.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

It's almost like you can tell we're related. Lol!
I took the blinds off their brackets and washed them in the bath tub with a mild solution of dishwashing liquid and vinegar.
I dried them with a towel before putting them back up.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the tip about baby wipes, AAC14!
My floor doesn't get mopped as often as it should, either. I am glad that I have such a small area to mop, though It is a pretty fast job.