Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Lovely Tea Pot!

A few years ago I wrote a post about a tea pot that I was so happy to have. I had bought it at a garage sale. My sister found some tea cups of the same style and mailed them to me. At the end of the post you find out that I didn't get to keep the tea pot long because I broke it. I was so sad! You can read the post HERE.

This is a long overdue, follow up post. I read my old post recently and realized that I never told the rest of the story. 

The Rest Of The Story.....

My sister heard about my catastrophe and sent me this little gem for my birthday at the end of that summer!

Isn't she so sweet!

She looked on eBay until she found a tea pot with the matching blue design.

It even has these opaque, rice shaped details that the tea cups had, as well. 

And, some foreign markings on the bottom.

It is the perfect size for the little cups that she had bought for me, previously.

Sometimes in the afternoons I brew  some tea with this set for me and my little boys.

My sister has a history of tea related gifts. You can read about the
French Press she gave me, HERE, in this post.

Thank you for stopping by! Do you have a special tea pot? Let me know in the comments section! :)


Haley Smith said...

Aww.. I’m so glad they’re all still in use. I haven’t made tea in awhile.. Jerusha just requested it today as it was so cold and dreary but I never got around to it. Maybe tomorrow.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you, Haley! The tea pot is special to me and I certainly enjoy it! I thought of making some tea today because it was cold and dreary here, too. But, I never got around to it either.

Sunshine Country said...

You know, I think we have that exact teapot at home! I actually remember seeing ours and thinking it reminded me of the teacups and pot you had posted about before, since it has those rice shaped designs on the sides. I am glad Haley thought of you and was able to get this new teapot to replace your broken one. :)

Jennifer said...

Oh that is a lovely tea set and I'm sure the time shared was lovely!

OH...and a note about the comment on my blog...sorry but I had to delete the comment that she was referring to. I didn't think about how it re-directed toward Sunshine Country. I do love her blog to. Sorry to leave this here bit don't have your personal e-mail.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Sunshine Country!
That's neat! Maybe we could use both of ours together sometime. :)

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Jennifer!
I'm glad to hear that she wasn't being critical of Sunshine Country!
I can be reached by email at simpleinspirations101@gmail.com. It is on the Contact page if you need it in the future.

Annie said...

What a sweet little tea pot! Why does tea seem to taste better when it's made in a tea pot and enjoyed out of matching tea cups?! :) My tea pots and tea cups are all packed away right now because we live in a tiny little house. I am looking forward to when we live in a house I can store them where I'll be able to us them easily.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Annie! I agree! Tea is better when you have a nice tea pot a cups to drink from. :) I hope you get to enjoy your tea sets again someday. :)