Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Bread Crumb Cookie Recipe

This recipe comes from The Tightwad Gazette. It is on page 130 in my book and contributed by Ruth Palmer of Utah.

I had a variety of crumbs in my fridge last week. Some pound cake crumbs, muffin crumbs and banana bread that was going stale.  I thought it would be a good time to try this recipe for Bread Crumb Cookies.

Various Crumbs

Bread Crumb Cookies
1 1/4 cups flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup milk
1 egg
2/3 cup melted shortening (I substituted 1/3 cup melted butter and 1/3 cup oil)
2 cups bread crumbs
Mix the dry ingredients together. Add the milk, egg, and shortening. Stir in the crumbs.
Drop by spoonfuls on baking sheets. Bake at 350° F. for 15 minutes. Cool on rack. Yield 25-30 cookies.
Ruth Palmer adds that she has had good success substituting applesauce for 1/2 the shortening in this recipe.

My family enjoyed these cookies. When I asked Mr. In The Mid-west how he liked them he said, "They're good. They don't taste recycled." Haha! 

This is a recipe that reminds me of my grandma Jan. One year she brought us a bunch of frozen logs of cookie dough that she had made. Whenever we baked a batch of these cookies it was always a surprise. If she had bits of coffee cake or other interesting crumbs, into the cookie dough they went! We never knew what to expect! They did taste pretty good, though. :) I would describe my grandma, with affection, as a true tightwad. I could tell many such stories, and maybe someday I will.


Melissa Huffman said...

Of course, I thought of Grandma Jan as soon as I read the recipe idea! I am glad you did too. I remember baking those cookies from her and you said "these are something you can't make for company because you don't know what you will get, but they are good!'.
I am glad for sweet memories. I like the Mr's. comment too. Another sweet memory to add to the story.

Sunshine Country said...

I would never have thought of saving muffin and other bread crumbs to use in a recipe! This sounds so interesting. If we ever have some leftover things that aren't getting eaten fast enough, I will have to give this a try. :) Thank you for sharing the recipe!