Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bees Wax Chews

I had the idea to make some chews out of beeswax
 as a replacement for gum or even cough drops.
I ordered some raw beeswax.
The seller packaged the wax very prettily!

Here is a link to the listing for the raw beeswax.

Beeswax can be hard to clean up after.
I dedicated an old measuring cup to the job of
 beeswax melting.

I place the measuring cup into a pan of water
that I keep at a simmer on the stove.

I use a wooden popsicle stick to stir the wax
as it melts to avoid getting beeswax on any 
of my utensils.

Once the beeswax is I melted I add therapeutic
grade essential oils. It takes about 15 drops
 to achieve the strength that I was going after. 
I have only tried two flavors: 
Peppermint and a blend called On Guard. 
(On Guard is supposed to support immune
system function. It has Orange, Clove, and 
Rosemary aspects.)

I pour the flavored wax into ice cube trays. 
Just a very small amount into each compartment.
I thought I would have to buy some special molds
for this step, but I put my thinking
cap on and saved the money by
being resourceful. :)

I freeze the wax to make it hard.
Once the wax is hard the pieces come out of 
the trays very easily.
I cut each piece in half. I have been happy
with these size of pieces.

I store the beeswax pieces in labelled zip top bags.
I have been pleased with using the Peppermint
variety as breath mints.
I used some recently as a cough drop substitute
when I had a sore throat. It worked really well
to produce saliva and the oils were soothing.
The beeswax can be chewed for 20 minutes
or longer. It does get crumbly,
but I like playing around with it with
my tongue and teeth.
I crumble it and then pack it back together
and then crumble it again.
I am weird like that. :)

Do you have any ideas of how I could 
improve on this concept?
What about flavors I should try?
I'd love to hear your suggestions!


Sunshine Country said...

I just tried a peppermint flavored one for the first time tonight. It is a nice refreshing flavor! I would definitely choose to use something like this over breath mints, since I like to avoid the sugar if at all possible. A flavor option I thought of was cinnamon. Have you tried any like that?

Jennifer said...

This is interesting! I've never heard of this before...sounds great!

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment Sunshine Country! I am glad you liked the peppermint flavor. I hadn't thought of cinnamon. I like that idea. I will order some cinnamon oil to try.

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the comment, Jennifer! I am glad you stopped by! :)