Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Skirt Make Over

 I worked on turning this skirt into a skirt for my two year old this past week.

This skirt was a thrift store find. It was a size 10/12 girls and much to wide for my little girl.

Upon further examination I discovered that this "skirt" was actually a pair of shorts. A very short pair of shorts, at that. Check out that tiny inseam!  I decided that the skirt would just have to be a split skirt, because I didn't want to figure out how to eliminate the inseam and you can't really tell when it is being worn.

I used a seam ripper to take out the elastic casing stitches.
I unrolled the casing. The elastic was serged onto the edge of the fabric.

I cut the elastic off at the serging with sewing sheers. I was not about to pick out all the serging stitches! 
Once the elastic was off I put in some gathering stitches.

I searched for some material in my stash that would make a suitable waistband and casing.
I found this peach colored material with cute butterflies scattered throughout.

It is very light weight and silky. And it matches perfectly!
I made a waistband and sewed a casing at the top. Then I pinned it onto the skirt, pulling up the gathering stitches to fit. I stitched it and finished the raw edge with a zigzag stitch.

I cut a piece of elastic to fit my little girl's waist.

Using a safety pin hooked through the elastic makes feeding it though the waistband really easy.
I stitched the elastic into a loop once I had pulled the elastic all the way through the casing.

A little tip that I have come up with, is stitching the elastic straight in one place, through the outside of the casing.

This makes it easy to straighten the elastic out when it tries to roll and twist inside the casing. I hate it when the elastic gets all twisted!

It fits really well,

And, I think it is super cute on her! :)


Sunshine Country said...

I never thought of adding fabric at the top instead of the bottom when adding some length. You are much better than I am at going all the way with alterations. :) I tend to take shortcuts because I just want to get done quickly, but I can see that the finished results are much nicer when going to the extra trouble. Thank you for sharing!

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you for the compliments, Sunshine Country! I certainly have projects that don't get the adequate attention to detail, but those sewing alterations rarely make it into a blog post. (wink) I have seen plenty of impressive sewing projects that you have completed. You do a fine job!